How i wish i know what is really going thru me now? Everything is happening too fast for me to take it. The feeling that is rushing thru me is like those that i can get bang down by a car. Some here and some there adding up totally is like the blood flowing thru the blood system.
Lessons today was pretty much of ok for law, found it more and more interesting although it was very dry during the lecture like is exactly like history have to keep remembering things. Up to marketing management, the teacher talk like a machine gun, she thinks everyone can catch what she say so fast? Please la, 13 pages in 1 hours i know u need to squeeze but can at least talk slower such that people can absorb mar. And i just went school for a 2 hour lecture. How great!! After lessons was napfa, napfa people i dont know how to say but i was kind of no mood to do those kind. Napfa ended, went down to clubroom, did my jap tutorial and then waited for all of them to come back as their bags all in clubroom, then one by one left until sam finally came in and take his bag off. About to leave when shoes appear out of nowhere, and then got buddy to mrt station. Called siti for dinner but then she meeting someone else for dinner already, sadded have to eat dinner alone. After that no where to go, home and watch over her dead body. I know it was a nice show but didnt really enjoyed the movie, for some i dont know why reasons.
A perfect answer that i wouldnt ever expect.
Tmr school at 8, must wake up early again and lectic threshold training tmr.
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